Photographic images of sculptures and architecture are carbon copies of originals that are rich with texture, tactile and when built at scale awesome. No image will ever truly do justice to the 60ft tall Buddha captured here.
The many forms of the lord Buddha span most countries of Asia and beyond as do Hanuman and Ganesha, amongst my favourites of the many Hindu deities. One of my favourite aspects of Asia is that you never know as you travel around which of the Hindu or Buddhist deities will greet you.
Hindu temples always feel to be such a celebration to the chaos of existence with the garish vibrant colours and rolling scent of incense. Counterpoint to this is the serenity and calm that exudes from the many forms of the Lord Buddha. I will also pay my respects to the custodians of the Muslim faith here and the patient beauty of their architecture that host the faithful at prayer. Forgetting not the austere grandness that much of the Christian faith needs to connect themselves to their lord.
Our need to feel part of something greater than the sad grey life of the human condition has spanned all time. Whilst the word of the faiths may stand in counterpoint or direct conflict, the architects and sculptors speak to the need in all of us to feel deeply connected, to have a tribe to which we feel physiologically connected, to have a community and symbols that bind us.
The images in this collection come from Singapore, Thailand and India